We're looking for work that is written smartly and sincerely, but not high-handedly. We are more interested in pieces that raise questions than those that attempt to articulate definitive answers.  Our aim is simple: we want to reach as many people as we can so that they can engage in discussion, and push back against our articles, and refine our ideas, and go further with our techniques—so that we can all work together to construct better versions.

Please Note: Simultaneous submissions are accepted, as long as you let us know and, if accepted for publication, withdraw your piece from consideration at the other publications to which you submitted (and, conversely, notify us if your piece is accepted elsewhere).




We're interested in poems that propose a set of criteria by which to read them. These criteria may or may not be held in common with the members of an existing "school" of poetry; we care little either way, as long as the poem in question would be coherently read, even if the school to which it pledges unwitting allegiance had never existed. Simply make the words count.  



There are no limitations in regard to genre: we're open to short stories, novel excerpts, novellas, translations—whatever form your narrative project assumes.  Please, no more than one submission per person per issue.

We want essays that make us think about the world in its intellectual, social, cultural, or political dimensions. In essence, nothing is out. The key for us is that you needn’t sound authoritative — we’re looking for essays that are thoughtful and sincere, and open about their limitations. In general, we prefer to work with writers to develop their ideas from the beginning, though we will also consider finished pieces.

The Bad Version